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Program transfer guides

Transfer your credits

We’ll help you apply your past to help you build a better future

If you’ve already earned college credits, you may be able to transfer your eligible credits toward a bachelor’s degree program with University of Phoenix. Show us what you’ve completed, and we’ll evaluate to determine which credits may transfer for potential credit so you can finish what you’ve started.

Plus, our prior learning assessment will help you discover if your workplace knowledge will transfer into college credit.

Let's get started

Find out which course credits you can transfer

Use the transfer guides below to find out how a specific program from one of our college articulation agreement partners will transfer into a specific University of Phoenix degree program.

If you don’t see your community college listed, please call (844) 937-8679 to speak with an enrollment representative who can help you determine how you may transfer your credits.

How to download your transfer guide(s)

1) Choose your state

2) Select the college you're transferring from

3) Click the program(s) that interest you to download the transfer guide

Which college are you transferring from?

Which college are you transferring from?

Which college are you transferring from?

Articulation agreements

Many students entering University of Phoenix have prior college credit. We understand you want to transfer your credits. That’s why we’ve worked hard to establish hundreds of articulation agreements to make the transition a little easier.

Frequently asked questions

It is recommended to have all transcripts reviewed prior to starting your program to see what credits may be applied for potential credit to your program. College credits never expire, however completed credits may not always apply to specific courses needed for a particular program or institutional policy limitations may limit the number of credits that can be applied. 

The ability to transfer your credits is at the discretion of the receiving institution. It is the student’s responsibility to confirm whether credits earned at University of Phoenix will be accepted by another institution of the student’s choice.

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